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Applications for 2024 now closed

Ready to apply?  Each programme has set admission criteria and application requirements. Details can be found in our Academic Regulations and Calendar. We’ve created this handy TipSheet to help you with the online application process.

See what course are available during 2024 by viewing the Timetable.

Still have questions? Learn more about our programmes. Our helpful Academic Registrar can also assist you with queries relating to programme admission or applications.

Documents Required for Application

You will need to supply/upload the following information as part of the online application process:

  • Verified (e.g., by JP, lawyer, or pastor) evidence of Citizenship/Residency (e.g., passport)
    • All verified documents MUST have the following from the verifier (e.g., JP, lawyer, or pastor):
      • The phrase, “certified true copy” or similar (i.e., “This is a true and accurate copy of the original, which I have sighted”)
      • Signature
      • Written name
      • Title
      • Date
  • Photo for student ID in .jpg format
  • Personal statement of approximately 500 words which describes your life and spiritual history, including:
    • How and when you came to faith in Christ
    • How you maintain and develop your Christian life
    • Significant experiences that have shaped you
    • Why you want to study at Carey
  • If you are under 20 years of age, a verified copy of your academic (e.g., NCEA) transcript or equivalent
  • If you are enrolling in the Graduate Diploma/Postgraduate/Masters, a verified copy of your degree

Please note that the formation tracks have additional entry requirements.

Click on the Semester Starting Date of your chosen programme below to apply for 2024.

You will be taken to the ebs.ontrack login page:

  1. Click on “Create an account
  2. Enter in your contact details and click REGISTER to continue your application

If you’ve already created an account and started your application you can access it through the Student Portal.

NZQA Qualifications:

Semester One Starting Date
Semester Two Starting Date
Certificate in Christian Leadership (Micro-credential)
Not applicable
20 August 2024
New Zealand Certificate in Chrisitan Ministry | Intermission
26 February 2024
Not applicable
New Zealand Certificate in Christian Studies
26 February 2024
22 July 2024
New Zealand Diploma in Christian Studies
26 February 2024
22 July 2024
Bachelor of Applied Theology
26 February 2024
22 July 2024
Graduate Diploma of Applied Theology
26 February 2024
22 July 2024
Posgraduate Diploma of Applied Theology
26 February 2024
Not applicable
Master of Applied Theology
26 February 2024
Not applicable

Non-NZQA Qualifications:

Starting Date
Diploma in Pastoral Leadership
26 February 2024
Diploma in Pastoral Leadership (Youth)
26 February 2024
Diploma in Māori Leadership | Ngā Pou Amorangi
26 February 2024
Certificate in Intercultural Practice | Mission Track
26 February 2024