Carey has begun the exciting process of recruiting for a new Principal. If you’re an experienced leader in the Christian community interested in this role, we’d love to hear from you.
Carey Baptist College
The Future of Ngā Pou Amorangi
Nga Pou Amorangi equips Māori leadership students for gospel ministry within Māori and bicultural contexts, and from 2025, it will continue outside of Carey, led by Rewai Te Kahu, while Carey remains committed to supporting Māori theological education.
EER Category 1
We are delighted to announce that Carey has been awarded Category 1 status, with the review team concluding that it is “highly confident” in both our educational performance and in our capability for self-assessment.
Changes ahead for John Tucker and Carey
Change is ahead for both Dr John Tucker our college Principal, and for Carey Baptist College.
A Year of Faith and Growth
Sacha Olson, Pastoral Leadership graduate, reflects on her first year in a pastoral role since graduating from Carey.
New Property for Carey
Carey Baptist College, Baptist Union of NZ, Arotahi and Northern Baptist Association have purchased a new building!
New Dean of Faculty
Carey Baptist College announces Dr Christa McKirland as the new Dean of Faculty.
Psalms and Creativity
Kassidy Kinvig from Tearfund New Zealand shares how the Psalms can be used as a creative demonstration of praising and worshiping God.
Strangers Eating Together Become Friends
Jared Suisted, Bachelor of Applied Theology student, painted this piece which is rich in symbolism and reflects a model which Jared and his family are living out.
Ask Me Anything
Grace Doak, Bachelor of Applied Theology student, painted and wrote about the predominance of masculine language used for God, and how that has affected the way that people perceive God.