Sarah Beisly discusses how her participation in Carey’s postgraduate paper, Human Flourishing, has enabled her to explore the cross-section of theology and psychological trauma.
Carey Baptist College
Carey’s New Carvings
In July 2022, Carey had the honour and privilege of unveiling our newly installed whakairo carvings in Te Whare Oranga at a dawn service. These carvings are on permanent display, so be sure to stop by and see them next time you are on campus.
A Jubilee Tale
Carey graduate, Lachlan Bull, creatively narrates a story of jubilee. In this story, he offers a unique perspective of jubilee as a cairn, a mound of stones intentionally placed, “marking not just a static point, but also a crossing point, a place in which we cross from what was, to what might be.”
An interview with Helen Brereton
Carey Alumna, Helen Brereton, talks to us about her time at Carey, why she loves pastoral ministry, and her hope for the church in Aotearoa.
Good News
Tom Cadman, is an alumnus of Carey who graduated in 1957. In this article, he reflects back on his journey as a minister of the gospel, while also thinking about the challenge of gospel proclamation today.
Summer Pastoral Placements
Jonathan Chow and Rebecca Webb reflect on their recent summer pastoral placements and answer the question “How did I participate in the good news this summer?”
Carey Welcomes Luke Kaa-Morgan
We are thrilled to welcome Luke Kaa-Morgan to the Carey community. Read more about how Luke will be contributing to the life and formation of the college.
Authentic Worship: an Interview with Tim Given
Tim Given, Carey Alumnus and now Deputy Ambassador for the New Zealand Embassy to the Philippines talks to us about his work and how, for him, it is an act of worship.
Rediscovering Worship
From swimming with locals in the river at Dannevirke to engaging at Ihumātao, worship this year has looked a bit different for Carey student, Jono Edmeades.
Ministry Training: Carey’s core business
Carey celebrates the third year Pastoral Leadership, Youth Pastoral Leadership and Ngā Pou Amorangi students who finish their studies this month.