Governance and Management

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About Governance and Management

General governance and management of Carey is under the direction of the Carey Board and Carey Management Team. Advisory boards provide expertise to the Management Team in specific priority areas. These include Te Whariki and the Academic Advisory Board. The Foundation Board consists of trustees appointed by Carey and the Baptist Union Assembly Council to support the building of a capital fund for the future of the College.
Carey Management Team
The Carey Management Team consists of both academic and management staff and operates collaboratively to provide strategic direction and leadership to Carey. The team also make decisions around operations, programmes, budgets, staffing and students. Meetings are held on a fortnightly basis with more in-depth retreats scheduled twice a year.

Grant Harris – Executive Chair, Chris Berry – Executive Director, Rob Ayres – Academic Director, Luke Kaa-Morgan – Te Pouarataki mō te hīkoi, Jonny Weir – Director of Ministry Training

Carey Board
The Carey Board meets at least four times a year and is responsible for the governance of the College within the guidelines set by the Assembly of the Baptist Union. It is comprised of the officers of the Union and the College Principal (all ex-officio), six members elected by the Annual Assembly who then serve for a two-year term, one member elected by the Carey Baptist College Students’ Association, one member of the teaching staff of the College elected by the staff. The Board may co-opt up to three additional members.

Grant Harris – Board Chair, Christine Beales-White – Deputy Chair, Mark Powell – Board Member, Chris Berry – Board Secretary, Allan Taylor – Baptist President, Charles Hewlett – National Leader, Adrienne Cleland – Board Member, Clifford Thompson – Co-opted Member, Henry Feleti – Co-opted Member, Julie Chamberlain – Co-opted Member, Martin Sutherland – Board Member, Santosh George – Board Member, Siong Ng – Staff Representative, Tim Sze – Student Representative

Academic Advisory Board

The Academic Advisory Board is appointed by the Academic Director with approval from the Principal to advise Carey on academic matters. Members include the Academic Director (Chair), Principal, Director of Carey Graduate School (all ex-officio), and appointees from other tertiary institutions. The Board meets twice a year.

Carey Foundation Board
The Carey Foundation Board exists to support and secure Carey’s future by building a capital fund through gifts, legacies and property acquisition. It consists of representatives from the Carey Board and the Baptist Union Assembly Council.

At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.