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Carey Staff

Careyâs teaching team is a community of scholars who are at the cutting edge of integrative theology. They are highly qualified and respected academics whose research outputs have made Carey the highest ranked non-university in Aotearoa.* They are also active practitioners who are applying what they learn and teach in church, mission, and community contexts. Above all, they are followers of Jesus who want to live out their faith in authentic Christ-centred lives.
In addition to the resident staff, learning at Carey is enriched by contributions from adjunct and visiting lecturers, including international scholars, MÄori Christian leaders and academics, and practitioner theologians with ministry and mission experience.
Our learning prioritises relationship, and Careyâs teachers take seriously the values of ako and whakawhanaungatanga. They take a genuine personal interest in their students and their formation, and authentic relationships develop as they sit together at lunch and share in worship and community events. Both onâsite and distance students find Carey lecturers accessible and friendships often continue long beyond a studentâs time at Carey.
We have a holistic view of every student at Carey and our support staff provide care and nurture to support academic success. Inclusivity is encouraged in our community and we are deeply committed to our Tiriti journey with specific staff support for our Maori and Pasifika students.
* Performance Based Research Fund (PBRF) 2018 Quality Evaluation. In the important AQS (S) ranking (which measures the intensity of research relative to staffing numbers), Carey Baptist College was the highest ranked non-university.
Management Team
Te Pouarataki mŠte hīkoi Dean of FacultyLuke Kaa-Morgan
Dr Christa McKirland
Dr Jonny Weir
Academic and Teaching Staff
Intermission Co-ordinator Intermission Co-ordinator Lecturer - Pastoral Care Youth Pastoral Leadership Lecturer - Systematic Theology Field Education and Internships Lead Lecturer - Old Testament Lecturer - New Testament Lecturer - Bible and MissionDan Cuttriss
Katie Cuttriss
Dr Phil Halstead
Sam Kilpatrick
Dr Christa McKirland
Nicola Mountfort
Dr Michael Rhodes
Dr Jonathan Robinson
Emma Stokes
Professional Staff
Ministry Training Programme Co-ordinator Academic Registrar Course Media Co-ordinatorMorgan Dews
Neroli Hollis
Matt McKirland
Library and Student Support Staff
Student Support Student SupportJarrahmal Tanielu
Denise Tims
Anna Tovey
Ministry Training Team
Ministry Training Programme Co-ordinator Youth Pastoral Leadership Pastoral LeadershipMorgan Dews
Sam Kilpatrick
Dr Jonny Weir
Carey Centre for Lifelong Learning Team
Research Fellows
Honorary Research Fellow Honorary Research Fellow Honorary Research FellowDr Sarah Harris
Dr Martin Sutherland
Dr George Wieland