Information for Churches and Organisations

Home » CareyLocal » Information for Churches and Organisations

Welcome to CareyLocal!

Learn, grow, and be tranformed – wherever you are!

CareyLocal is a cohort-mode of teaching designed to build biblical foundations for church volunteers, ministry and mission leaders, and anyone wanting to grow in their discipleship. Classes are taught online with Carey lecturers one evening each week. Students engage with their lecturer online, discuss course content together and support one another with their studies from wherever they are based in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

The course for Semester 2, 2024 is our new Certificate in Christian Leadership (Micro-credential). This course is an NZQA-approved micro-credential.

Distance Student engaging with Lecturer

How to form a CareyLocal cohort:

Form a cohort from your church or organisation (or a combination of churches and organisations). It is easy!

Nominate a co-ordinator to manage the gathering of students into a cohort, register the group with Carey, and support students complete the enrolment process.

Provide a place for the cohort to meet which has the required tech for online classes.

Provide a facilitator (this might be your co-ordinator or someone comfortable with facilitating group discussions as directed by the Lecturer (no teaching is required by the Facilitator).

There is no minimum or maximum cohort size. If your cohort is small, you could consider reaching out to other churches / organisations in your area to form a combined cohort.

What Carey will provide

The Carey lecturers will guide students through material, provide opportunities for discussion and reflection, and facilitate wider conversations across the cohorts around the country.

The CareyLocal team is available to provide you with support, advice,  promotional materials and tech support.

Our Student Support team is also available to cohorts for academic support.

Rangiora CareyLocal Cohort 2023

I love CareyLocal because it has opened up our theological college to so many who wouldn’t otherwise have walked through its doors. People of all ages and stages of faith from Baptist churches right across Aotearoa are coming together to open scripture in community guided by expert teaching from Carey’s fantastic lecturing team. In my view, there’s no better way to study the Bible!

Andrew Meek

Leadership Pathway Facilitator, Upper South Baptist Association

We have decided as an eldership to undertake the Certificate in Christian Leadership, recognising the importance of both learning together in community and leading well for our context in Snells Beach. Through this course we get the opportunity to spend meaningful time together, grow as a team, and talk about how Jesus is calling us all to lead in our church community.
Chris Clark

Pastor, Snells Beach Baptist Church

The CareyLocal Team

Nicola Mountfort_300x300

Nicola Mountfort

Programme Lead

Staff Thumbnail - Neroli Hollis

Neroli Hollis


Staff Thumbnail - Matt McKirland

Matt McKirland

Tech Support

Marketing Material

We have created some marketing material you are welcome to use to promote CareyLocal in your church or organisation.

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A tile that can be used for social media promotion of CareyLocal within your church or organisation

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A banner that can be used in newsletters for promotion of CareyLocal within your church or organisation

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A powerpoint slide that can be used promotion of CareyLocal within your church or organisation


Next Steps

If you wish to form a cohort, or have further questions, please contact us.

Email Nicola: [email protected]
09 526 0345