Carey Library

Te Whare Pukapuka o Ayson Clifford

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Tūhuratanga: allows a user to make a comprehensive search of resources within the Carey Library catalogue and also within our electronic databases. Resources include books, journal articles, eBooks, theses etc. On the search results screen, you can use Refine Results or Advance Search to revise your search. To access online resources, an OpenAthens login is required.

Library and Archives Catalogue

Type your keyword(s) here and click search.

Library and Archives Catalogue : allows users to search resources within the Library and Archives catalogue.

Girl reading on the floor in a library

Library Hours

During the Academic Year
During the Academic Year
Monday to Thursday:
Outside the Academic Year
Outside the Academic Year
Monday to Friday:

Contact Information

Contact the library for assistance with locating and accessing resources (including e-resources), for loan enquiries, and for general library information.

General Contact
0800 773 776
09 526 0347

[email protected]

Postal Address
Attn: Ayson-Clifford Library
PO Box 12149
Auckland 1642
Girl reading on the floor in a library
General Library Information

The Ayson Clifford Library

The library is named after James Ayson Clifford, the Carey Principal from 1961 to 1973.  Today the library is a welcoming space with an extensive collection of both print and online resources that support the learning, research and teaching needs of our users.  The library also supports all students with services including posting physical books, scanning resources and 24/7 access to the library’s online collection. A number of laptops are available for a short period of time for students who require a device.


All current Carey students, staff and Baptist Union staff have free access to Carey library’s world class resources. The library also has a number of subscription members, including students studying at other theological colleges, Baptist pastors and members of the public, who benefit from using the library as subscription members. Joining the library on a subscription basis is available on request for a small fee. Please email [email protected] for more information.

Distance Students

In addition to the general services and resources provided to all students, distance students can request the following:

    • Books and other loanable items to be sent out, with return postage enclosed
    • Distance students can also request resources to be scaned from hardcopy journals or book chapters, in accordance with Copyright Act 1994

Library Card

If you are a student, your Carey ID card is your library card. If you are a subscription member, we will create a library card for you. The number on your library card is used for logging on to the library catalogue resources. Undergraduate students may borrow up to fifteen books from the main collection. Postgraduate students may borrow up to fifty books from the main collection. Please contact the library staff for help.

Library Policy

The loan period is 28 days.
Library materials may be renewed on the library catalogue.
Library materials may be subject to recall.
There are fines for overdue and recalled books not returned promptly.
Reference, Reserve Books and Periodicals are not generally available for loan.

Online Resources

On-line materials are an essential resource that will supplement your studies.  If you prefer to search the databases individually for articles, please select from the databases below.  All these resources are also available through Tūhuratanga.

Full Text Journal Databases

Religion and Philosophy Collection

With hundreds of full-text, scholarly journals, this resource provides an in-depth collection of resources covering topics such as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy.

Proquest Religion

The Religion Database provides a wide range of primarily full-text, international periodicals for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies of major religions, as well as the most recent trends and scholarly thought. Included are titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.

eBook Database

eBook Religion Collection

This collection features more than 6,700 titles from over 150 trusted publishers covering a broad range of religious subjects including philosophy, ethics, history of religions, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, religious text and more.


Index New Zealand (INNZ)

Index of New Zealand and some South Pacific journal and newspaper articles, searchable by keyword etc. Occasional full text. Links to article source holdings in New Zealand, or check the library catalogue.

New Zealand Libraries’ Catalogue (Te Puna Search)

An online catalogue of all New Zealand libraries. Consists of bibliographic details and availability of items within this country.

Postgraduate Resources

The library provides an extensive range of scholarly resources for students studying at a postgraduate level.  The resources are complemented by the growing acquisition of ebooks and historical materials available from the New Zealand Baptist Archive.


Books or journal articles that are not available in the Carey library or from its online databases can be interloaned from other libraries for students doing post-graduate studies through Carey.  Requests should be submitted by email ([email protected]) including bibliographic details and an indication of when the item is needed by. Typically, an interloaned item will take between 3 days to 2 weeks to arrive. You will be notified when it is available, and can be collected from the library front desk or posted out to distance students.  Cost per interloaned item is $5.  There may be a restriction on the number of interloans that can be requested.

New Zealand Libraries’ Catalogue (Te Puna Search)

This catalogue lists publications currently held in all of New Zealand’s libraries. Searching it will help you find out which New Zealand libraries have copies of the item you’re interested in.  There is also a link available on Carey library catalogue.


Postgraduate students may wish to use Zotero to manage their citations and bibliography.  Zotero is a free reference manager programme.

Research Papers

Discover and access New Zealand’s most comprehensive selection of research papers and related resources. This site includes peer-reviewed and research from other universities, polytechnics, and research organisations throughout New Zealand.

Open Access Theses and Dissertations 

This site contains graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. It is free to access and is full text.

The library also houses the NZ Baptist Archive, a rich collection of archives from the whānau of New Zealand Baptists.

At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.