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Postgraduate Research

Welcome to Carey Graduate School/Te Kāreti Iriiri o Carey and our community of learning. This information is for students enrolled in postgraduate programmes and specifically undertaking postgraduate research at Carey Graduate School. Together with the Academic Regulations, it provides you with the key regulations, policies and procedures that relate to your postgraduate research study. It also gives you information about the supervision process and the services and facilities available to support you.

Christa McKirland, Dean of Faculty at Carey Baptist College

For the research component of your postgradute qualification, we offer the option of a research essay (up to 12,000 words), a 90 credit thesis (up to 30,000 words), and a 120 credit thesis (up to 40,000 words). Research essays and theses are largely conducted by means of independent research under supervision and do not have regular timetabled classes.

For all postgraduate research a suitable supervisor will be appointed from the CGS faculty. Monthly meetings with your supervisor and progress reports are required by the Academic Committee.

If you are enrolling part-time, we highly recommend that you discuss the cost and time required for the research component of your postgraduate programme. This may mean negotiating study leave with your church or employer.

Research Essay

MA821 Research Essay

Level 8, 30 credits, 300 hours, 2 semesters, Mode 4
An Appointed Supervisor

As a Research Essay student, you will be  given the opportunity to study in-depth a defined aspect of applied theology not covered within the existing listing of courses. Special permission is required for entry into this course in consultation with the Dean of Faulty and the Academic Director.

The Research Essay is a tool for enabling you to extend you knowledge and skills in your chosen specialisation, while serving to demonstrate an ability to pursue higher research awards. You should be able to show an in-depth knowledge of the topic chosen, demonstrate skills in researching that topic, expound the topic systematically employing the appropriate methodology, and appreciate the complexity and ramifications of the topic.

Note: An average of B in two taught courses is normally required for entry.

A hand writing links to Fees and Money Matters


MA902 Thesis

Level 9, 90 credits, 900 hours, 2 semesters, Mode 4
An Appointed Supervisor


MA903 Thesis

Level 9, 120 credits, 1200 hours, 2 semesters, Mode 4
An Appointed Supervisor

A Thesis, as a major piece of academic research, involves a number of formal elements, including:

  • Approval of a proposal
  • Ethics approval if required
  • Supervision and Reporting
  • Submission and Assessment

The thesis is a scholarly piece of written work that reports on the findings of theoretical, practical, or empirical investigation into a defined area of applied theology conducted by you under supervision.

Undertaking a thesis provides you with an opportunity to do original in-depth research at masters level. You will engage in a supervised investigation of a topic of your interest. You are expected to be self-directed in your studies and to produce an account of your research which equates to internationally recognized standards.

Note: An average of B over 3 taught courses is normally required for entry.

Thesis Timelines

(NB: Dates are indicative only. Actual dates will be confirmed by your supervisor)
By early December of the preceding year
Preliminary discussion with Carey (Dean of Faculty, Academic Director or Academic Registrar) signalling an intention to enrol in a Thesis in the following academic year, and indicating a likely topic area.
December of the preceding year
Allocation of pontential Supervisor (Carey)

Initiate preliminary contact and discussion with potential supervisor (Carey)

Late February/Early March
Submit Theis proposal (MA1) to Academic registrar along with:
    • MA3 Supervision Agreement
    • RE1 Research Ethics Application (if appropriate)
    Address any concerns/requirements in the Thesis Proposal from the Thesis Approvals Committee
    End of April
    Last date for approval of Thesis Proposal
    End of June (and)
    End of November
    Six monthly Progress reporst (MA4) due
    Mid November
    Thesis submission target date

    NB Formal extensions can only be granted by the Academic Committee upon application by the student with the support of the Supervisor at least two months before the Due Date.

    Important Information

    All students should familiarise themselves with the Academic Regulations. The following policies and guidelines also provide specific and important information for students engaging in research at postgraduate level and can all be found on CareyOnline.

    Assessment and Moderation Regulations
    Use of Te Reo Māori in Assessments Policy and Procedure
    Gender-Neutral Language in Academic Writing Policy
    Responsible Practice in Research Code of Conduct
    Research Ethics Policy and Guidelines

    Postgraduate Student Community

    You are invited to attend our regular Research Wānanga (on-site and Zoom), take advantage of the postgraduate student study space upstairs in the library building, take part in the annual Carey Research Conference and join in with our community lunches on Monday and Tuesdays during semester teaching weeks.

    CGS Research Conference

    Carey Graduate School hosts an annual conference in which students and staff present their research.

    Postgraduate Programmes

    Gathoni, student library

    Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology

    Continue your development in ministry or mission leadership through this advanced theological qualification (one year full-time, up to four years part-time).

    Book launch 2022

    Master of Applied Theology

    Explore theology indepth and engage in focused research that addresses questions important to you and your context in this advanced theological qualification (one-two years full-time, up to four years part-time).

    Graduation 2023

    Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy

    Complete an advanced research degree (MPhil or PhD) through our partner, Otago University, with Carey’s support and involvement.

    Contact Dr Christa McKirland for further information.

    At Carey we believe that the God of mission is at work in the world by the Spirit to renew people and places in Christ. Our calling is to equip Christian leaders with the convictions, competencies, and capacity to participate in that mission, bringing gospel renewal in churches and communities across Aotearoa and around the world.